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Отсуствующие территории на плоской модели земли

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at the exact location of the Bering Strait we can with 100% certainty claim there is missing land - and more than most can easily picture themselves. What is explained in this thread is exactly why there is cut away surface area from a flat model of Earth. And with precise knowledge of how much time is missing at the Bering Strait, we can add the missing time back as distance and surface area in order to fully realise what the extent of Earth truly is.

Mercator Projection of Earth (America centered) with the missing time from the Bering Strait added. Also added is the time we can see is missing from the timezone mismatches between Greenwitch England and Greenland North Pole which is arguably 2-3 hours. This distance is a bit more tricky to evaluate and will hopefully be as exactly matched as the Bering Strait time anomaly.


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